Sunday, February 10, 2008

Carbon Fast for Lent

Good News Network posted an intriguing article last week, noting two English bishops’ request that their parishioners give up not the usual Lenten choices (chocolate, booze) but instead cut back on activities that produce or encourage carbon emissions. I searched the web to learn more about suggestions from the Bishops of Liverpool and London, and in the process stumbled upon a site called Tearfund that has created a complete 40-day (plus Sundays) “Carbon Fast for Lent.

Lent began on Ash Wednesday (February 6), so I’m getting a a late start. But to change things up a bit on the blog, I’ve decided to join the Carbon Fast for Lent by featuring one of Tearfund
’s suggested daily actions each day and blogging about undertaking these actions myself. I’m deviating from their order a bit to make up for the lost days (and to skip some actions that are England-specific and/or meant for homeowners instead of apartment-dwellers like me. For a neat PDF with all the daily actions in their original order, visit here).

Without further ado . . .

Carbon Fast, Day 1: “Remove one lightbulb (without inviting danger) and live without it for 40 days.”

Interesting concept, removing a bulb altogether. I like the symbolism. I removed one of the bulbs from my ceiling fan light fixture, which now looks very odd (and is a tad annoying) and so will remind me I’m on the Carbon Fast. (Hey, if this is going to rival giving up chocolate, it shouldn
t be too easy!)

Today’s mitzvah: Consider joining Daily Mitzvah on the Carbon Fast for Lent.


m said...

i just linked to your site. and i downloaded the pdf. thanks for all the information!

jen x said...

Thank you for the link and the very nice mention on your blog. I'd read Simple Sundays, but hadn't seen i hope so -- I'm impressed that you keep up with two!