Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving - Helping the Hungry

Today’s mitzvah (click below):
The Hunger Site

Hello after a long absence! I'm hoping to be back in force for Advent I. For now, I’ve been thinking about what an anxious Thanksgiving this will be for many people. Our grocery has the usual donation bins for non-perishables. I’d like to offer a personal challenge: Instead of just putting one item in the bins, how about putting in two instead? Pasta, peanut butter, tuna or other canned meats — most of us can afford a second item, especially if we look for sales and store brands.

I know the temptation is to cut way back on everything. But I keep thinking that there’s always someone else whose finances are tighter than mine — and in a scary economy more than ever, we need to stick together! There are also many small ways to contribute for free, including The Hunger Site buttons on this site.

The Hunger Site is supported by sponsors that make donations based on how many people click the web site’s Give Free Food icon each day. No cost to you, no strings. Just a lot of sponsor ads and a chance to join with thousands of others each day whose clicks enable Mercy Corps International and Feeding America to provide food to hungry people. I click every day. It only takes a few seconds — and then you can get back to baking my favorite pie.

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