Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Travel-Size Me

The business trip continues. After turbulent flights and a very rough landing yesterday, I finally made it to the hotel. The high point of the day: a very nice array of HBA (health and beauty accessories) upon arrival. Yet this reminded me I’ve also amassed quite a collection at home, too. So, in the spirit of the blogosphere’s “Thursday Thirteenmeme, here are 13 organizations that would be happy to accept new and unopened travel-size toiletries. (It’s worth double checking before sending.)

  1. Arkansas Children’s Hospital (Little Rock), Family Packs
  2. AmeriCares, Healthy Kids Kits for international shipment
  3. Casa Esperanza (Albequerque, a home base for families of cancer patients)
  4. Cathedral Shelter of Chicago
  5. Crossroads House (Portsmouth, NH)
  6. The Hoboken Shelter (Hoboken, NJ)
  7. Operation Blessing, Disaster Relief Kits (see site for specific instructions on contents & packaging)
  8. ROOTS Young Adult Shelter (Seattle)
  9. Shepherd's Table (Silver Spring, MD)
  10. Starlight Ministries (Boston & Cambridge)
  11. Samaritan House (Atlanta)
  12. Various “support the troops” sites (Due to military and security regulations, these sites have their own specific requirements. Find the right fit via a GoodSearch.)
  13. Your local Ronald McDonald House — most post wish lists on their home pages, like this one

Today’s mitzvah: Consider sending travel-size items on a trip to a worthy organization.

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