Our favorite person in North Carolina turned me on to Etsy, the handmade site, where she finds beautiful cards. I’ve also
discovered it's a cool source for affordable eco-friendly items. Here’s one I especially liked: Etsy member RunOnTheSun has neat gift tags, made entirely from upcycled cereal boxes, toothpaste cartons, soda boxes, and, in her words, “basically anything that would otherwise be tossed in the trash!” She sells these cute tags in sets of 100 for just $3.50, with either white or light brown backs (e.g., toothpaste cartons would have white backs, cereal boxes would have light brown).
These are a nice way to focus on the “re-use” part of Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle — and support an independent craftsperson in the process.
Today’s mitzvah: Consider buying handmade the next time you need something for your home. Etsy has all sorts of neat finds, many using recycled or upcycled material.
Photo © 2008 by runonthesun. Used with permission.
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